PROMPT # 1: Family is the most important thing in life.
I believe the importance of things in life have different meanings to different people. Depending on interests, opinions, or personality, one could value different things in life such as money,career, etc. Time passes, and things lose their value as a person's interests shift, even family isn't such a perennial concept as it should be, it maybe lifelong, but not unvarying. People do change. This can be a sad truth, but a truth nonetheless. I believe family should be one of the most precious things in life and that everyone should try and maintain a close relationship with their family, but this is not always the case, some people are born into more immoral family back rounds, in which case, that person would have no sufficient reason to hold their "family" as their most cherished life aspect.

PROMPT # 2: Sometimes winning the lottery is a bad thing.
I doubt that winning anything can prove to be a bad thing. The lottery is a game of pure luck and nothing more. Anyone that takes their chances has as much of a probability of winning as the next person. Because of this, holding grudges is unlikely. Contradictory to this, for a person to be in possession of large sums of money can be somewhat overwhelming. A person may not have the will-power or mental strength to control their actions regarding money. Also, if the lucky winner does not take responsiblity for his/her actions, results can be detremental to many lives in many aspects. So the effects money can have on people aren't always beneficial, but in the end winning the lottery is a reward like any other.

PROMT # 3: Our lives are ruled by fate.
I believe fate is something people look to when they can't make decisions for themeselves. I do not think fate is some other worldly force that predetermines the path of our lives. If lives are predetermined, it's based on the decisions we make. Therefore life is a path that is perpretually changing. Life is preordained in a sense that we all die someday, but the way we choose to go from point A (birth) to point B (death) is up to us. There is a final destination, but fate can't tell someone that they will be broke on the streets living off food coupons until they die. I doubt that if there is a god, he would have constructed life in this way.